All elements in this luxury management room have been designed with a different and eye-catching style, creating a bright and splendid space. From the carpet to the office furniture, all have been crafted with exquisite luxury and elegance. Following a classic style in this decoration, wood and its natural color dominate the design, with all components filled with beautiful and creative details and designs.
Placing the luxury management desk in the center of the room on a delicate handwoven rug has made this design very attractive. Parallel lines and quadrilateral shapes are abundant in this design. The finely crafted and slender legs of the management desk and chairs, along with the prominent body of the management desk, all have curves that evoke softness, flexibility, and grace to the viewer.
One of the factors that enhance the furniture's appearance is the darkness of the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room. This darkness, along with attractive lighting, amplifies the shimmer and glow of the gold-colored woodwork.
Throughout the room, shades of hazel, cream, and gold have been arranged alongside each other in the most beautiful way possible. The red color and dark patterns of the carpet add a lot of warmth to the environment and appear much more beautiful in the direct light.
Various and beautiful accessories have been employed in this decoration. From candleholders and wall decorations to attractive sculptures and lampshades. They have all been chosen in complete harmony with the other elements.